Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Useful e-resources and tools for teaching – learning process

Useful e-resources and tools for teaching – learning process
The following e-resources and tools I have found very useful in teaching – learning process. Most of these tools are handy for the evaluation purposes. You may also find these e-resources / tools useful for your program / project / institution etc. in view of the COVID-19.

Sr. No
Link : e-resources
0 or
Moodle is generally used for delivering course content, course plan, grading, creating activities, collecting feedback and communicating with course participants. In all, Moodle is a Learning Management System useful to:
1.           Create and edit content
2.           Give access to students
3.           Grade their submissions
Udemy: https://www.udemy.com  
Skillshare : https://www.skillshare.com/
Teachable : https://teachable.com/
Podia: https://www.podia.com/  
Platforms to Create Online Courses (Add on, Value Aided etc.)
Google Classroom saves time and paper, and allows you to create classes, post assignments, and communicate with your students with ease. It also allows you to see which students have completed their assignments and you can provide direct, real-time feedback and grades
Socrative – useful assessment tools for teachers according to hundreds of online reviews by educators and professional reviewers alike. Crates quizzes and questions with real-time grading with immediate feedback.

Google Forms: Create & grade quizzes with ease.
Mentimeter – offers pre-built education templates. Mentimeter Quiz Competitions test students’ knowledge in new and interesting ways.
Kahoot – is a game-based assessment tool and also delivers engaging learning.
Poll Everywhere provides live activities for students and also captures powerful feedback instantly during virtual meetings, classes, events, and more.
EasyTestMaker is an online test generator to help you create and manage your tests!
ClassMarker's secure, professional web-based Quiz maker is an easy-to-use, customizable online testing solution educational assessment with Tests & Quizzes graded instantly saving you hours of paperwork
Online resource for English Language Learners/Users for assessing their language level.
Create advanced online quizzes for teachers/ students within minutes. You can create questions with single or multiple choices as answers, assign points, customize the results page, add images, and more.
provides step-by-step advice on how to evaluate a project
Handy with the apt comments so as  to assess/evaluate Project/Group Work
Hope to listen form you regarding the usage of these e-resources and tools!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Towards Women Empowerment ... ... ... ...

Towards Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment, dignity and protecting women from violence and discrimination is the need of the hour. Hence, we have initiated this blog for sensitizing several issues regarding women empowerment.  The aim behind the said blog is to accomplish the Women Education, Women Empowerment, Gender Equality and Justice.

“Empowered women for her dignity and protecting her from violence and discrimination”

The group will work with the aim to accomplish:
1.      Women Education
2.      Women Empowerment
3.      Gender Equality and
4.      Justice

1.      Maximum Participation of Women: Activities by the women, for the women and of the women.
2.      Women’s equal participation in the
·         decision-making process,
·         policy-making,
·         planning and
·         administration.
etc. will be emphasized.

3.      Giving Control to Women: Using the participation of women in the decision-making process to achieve balance of control between men and women over the factors of production, without dominance.

4.      Conscious Rising: Understanding of the difference between sex roles and gender roles and the belief that gender relations and the gender division of labor should be fair and agreeable to both sides, and not based on the domination.

5.      Thorough Access:
Women’s access to
·         Production
·         labour,
·         credit,
·         training,
·         marketing facilities, and
·         publicly available services and benefits

etc. will be emphasized through the consortium.

6.      Women Welfare comes first: Whatever will be the action taken will result in the welfare of the Women.

7.      Protecting the women's rights: Right to vote; to work; to fair wages or equal pay; to enter into legal contracts; to have equal rights in family; to have reproductive rights etc. will be emphasized through the consortium.

Following programmes will be undertaken (Operating Mode: Face to face and Virtual) and the same will be made available through Consortium:
1.      Awareness Programmes regarding women safety and empowerment:
·         BPA 110/112/117/135 : THE BOMBAY POLICE ACT, 1951:
·         IPC 354/ 509: THE INDIAN PENAL CODE, 1860

2.      Training Programme regarding
·         Insecurity/ Under Confidence in Women
·         Awareness about Women Rights against Crime
·         Self Defense Training

3.      Orientation:
·         Understanding Patriarchy (a system of society or Government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it)
·         Lodging Complaints Online and Face to Face
·         Self Esteem/Respect
·         VOYEURISM
·         EVE TEASING
·         ACID ATTACK
·         STALKING
·         CYBER CRIME

4.      Implementing Activities:
Exhibition, artistic presentation, wall papers/hangings, articles, and Competition on Women Empowerment too will be undertaken with a view to reach the masses. These programmes will be held Virtual/ Online and face to face.

We will appreciate your comments, suggestions etc. 

Thursday, October 10, 2019


“Man is like unto a tree. If he be adorned with fruit, he hath been and will ever be worthy of praise
and commendation. Otherwise a fruitless tree is but fit for fire. The fruits of the human tree are
exquisite, highly desired, and dearly cherished. Among them are upright character, virtuous
deeds and a goodly utterance.”

• Tolerance
• Determination
• Positive attitude
• Timeliness
• Equilibrium
• Clarity
• Assertiveness
• Sensitivity
• Cooperation

• Live and let live others in happiness.
• Be the man of Character/ Rectitude of Conduct
• Be always industrious, happy and positive as to work is to worship the God.

Keeping with the fruits and the basics of the life we must we must learn to motivate people for the rectitude of conduct. So we must treat people with kindness,  we must give them responsibility and ask them to actively participate, we must be a good listener to them, and in all we must get to KNOW the people so as to strengthen their sense of belonging.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Cooperative Juggling

Cooperative Juggling

We played the ‘Cooperative Juggling’ game. The game was very easy to perform but the very game demanded absolute coordination and concentration from each member.

However, we do understand that through the unity of action and coordination it becomes easier to perform the so called difficult tasks. 

In our group we had 10 members and we played the game for 30 minutes while standing in a big circle. We considered the tennis balls as golden ones so that each member valued these balls and concentrated on them. This helped the members to improve their catching skills. But a good level of coordination with 100% of concentration was a must to play and appreciate the game.

Further, we observed that when the individuals worked together then they could achieve great challenges together. I played “builder of unity” being the mentor for this activity. As we have to had 100% of coordination I appealed each member to adjust with the situation and leave the ‘arrogance’ (ego, dominance) and ‘self-righteousness’ in us.

The qualities and attitudes such as ability to mix, accommodating nature is essential for the Unity.  Further, adjustment with others is a must for the unity.

Guard the Treasure

Guard the Treasure

It was novel experience for us to play the ‘Guard the Treasure’ game. The game underlines the principle of trust and being trustworthy.

We do agree that the “Trustworthiness is the supreme condition for the achievement of the prosperity of mankind”. It is prerequisite for the rectitude of the conduct.

As instructed, we get divided into two groups (A and B) having 6 members in each group. We used small piece of cloth as ‘treasure’. Members of group A stand in a circle and one member stands at the centre of the circle so as to guard his treasure. The members on the circle tried hard to snatch away this treasure. In this way, each group has given 10 minutes to play the game. The following is the score of the two groups:
Group A
Group B

Members from group B were the winners as they snatched the treasure 3 times in just 10 minutes.  In all 05 (2 +3) members had the chance to snatch the treasure. But remaining 7 (4 +3) members could not snatch the treasure. The members felt that they are trustworthy while guarding the treasure. But, when the treasure was snatched from them, they did not feel confidence and felt that they did breakage of faith of their team members.

In all, each member agrees that they need to watch their words and actions and thus remain trustworthy in the family, society. They need to be trustworthy while performing responsibilities and affairs. Further, these members agreed that they will not misuse/ abuse their power they understood the life is impossible without ‘trustworthiness’. And hence, “Trustworthiness is the supreme condition for the achievement of the prosperity of mankind”.

Adjective Game

It was real fun to play the ‘Adjective Game’ with the students. Through this game we all have tried to acknowledge the “Unity in Diversity” principle. Further, we tried to enhance unity among the group members by associating and remembering a good quality in each member as each member explained the good qualities in her/him by saying the adjective.

All the members (students) stand in a circle. I, personally initiated the game by telling good quality of me as ‘T’ for ‘Tenacious’ as an adjective to my  own name i.e. ‘Tejesh’. Then I explained that I need to have ‘T’ for ‘Talented’ i.e. a quality I wish to acquire. Then all the group members together repeated my name and the adjective.

Then the game moves to the other members standing next to me in a clockwise manner. Thus, each member repeated the same procedure and we could enhance unity among the group members by associating and remembering a good quality in each member.

All the members liked the game as it was based on active participation. It was not easy for all the members to find an adjective for their names, so I asked them to tell the adjectives in Marathi language and accordingly translated it in English.

All the members liked the association of good qualities to themselves and thus the game helped to create an environment of unity among my group members.