Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Adjective Game

It was real fun to play the ‘Adjective Game’ with the students. Through this game we all have tried to acknowledge the “Unity in Diversity” principle. Further, we tried to enhance unity among the group members by associating and remembering a good quality in each member as each member explained the good qualities in her/him by saying the adjective.

All the members (students) stand in a circle. I, personally initiated the game by telling good quality of me as ‘T’ for ‘Tenacious’ as an adjective to my  own name i.e. ‘Tejesh’. Then I explained that I need to have ‘T’ for ‘Talented’ i.e. a quality I wish to acquire. Then all the group members together repeated my name and the adjective.

Then the game moves to the other members standing next to me in a clockwise manner. Thus, each member repeated the same procedure and we could enhance unity among the group members by associating and remembering a good quality in each member.

All the members liked the game as it was based on active participation. It was not easy for all the members to find an adjective for their names, so I asked them to tell the adjectives in Marathi language and accordingly translated it in English.

All the members liked the association of good qualities to themselves and thus the game helped to create an environment of unity among my group members.

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